Welcome to our brand-new online store and website!
Monolith has undergone a total revamp and is taking its community on a new adventure!
After more than nine years since it was launched, the company has created a new website and online store – the perfect companions for this new chapter. .
Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of the things you can find here.
- All our news, Kickstarter-related and otherwise.
- The presentations of our ranges.
- Gaming downloads.
- Gaming galleries.
- Gaming tools (such as scenario editors and apps).
- Different links to our social media pages and the Overlord forums.
- The online store.

- This is where you can find our different game ranges. Some of these are already available, while those under production or development will arrive after all backers for each game have received their orders.
- Eventually, the store will also feature preorders and exclusive online products.
As of the launch, the store can only deliver to Europe and North America.
Delivering to other countries is part of our development priorities, but this is not available for now.
Conan and Claustrophobia 1643 are available right now, and Claustrophobia 1643 is even available at a discounted price to celebrate the launch!
For those in Europe, we are also pleased to offer extensions for the Solomon Kane range, in both French and English.
The next ranges to be made available will be Mythic Battles (Pantheon & Ragnarök) and OrcQuest, followed by Batman: Gotham City Chronicles in both the roleplaying and board game versions.

Monolith is continuing its development via three major pillars
– Board games with miniatures
We will continue to use crowdfunding campaigns for games that could never be created – or certainly not at the same prices – without this method.
Since the start of this year, we have committed to never launching a campaign for a game so long as its development phase is not completely finished – or set to be during the campaign.
We believe that this is both sound practice and important, as it will limit any potential delays and enable you to back your favorite campaigns without having to worry.
With this in mind, our next campaign this year – a Conan board game based on the Red Nails novella – will not be launched until we have delivered the previous project.
Other campaigns will be launched in the future, including new gaming worlds, new licenses, and new game engines.
– Roleplaying games
With two co-releases (the Mythic Battles and Capitaine Vaudou roleplaying games) and Batman: Gotham City Chronicles RPG, which is currently underway, other ranges are being developed to continue championing a gaming genre that has been with us since we were teenagers.
As well as the Conan roleplaying game (under development), you can expect a whole host of other surprises in the coming years – and even in the next few months…
– The other board games
With Cardline Animals, Monolith has a game back in stores without using a crowdfunding campaign.
This triumphant return was the result of a long thought process, and other releases will be added at the end of the year. Next year will see some brand new developments, which we can’t wait to tell you about at the conventions!
That’s right – Monolith is also coming back to the conventions!
But that’s enough chat! As we said at the start, a warm welcome to everyone!