Batman™: Gotham City Chronicles – Hawkfire

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Formerly a heroine known as Bat-Girl, Bette Kane was the partner of the first Batwoman. Her heroic actions were partly motivated by her admiration for Robin (Dick Grayson).  

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Formerly a heroine known as Bat-Girl, Bette Kane was the partner of the first Batwoman. Her heroic actions were partly motivated by her admiration for Robin (Dick Grayson). However, upon the appearance of the new Batwoman, Bette was surprised to discover her identity—her cousin Kate Kane, a formidable fighter. Kate became her source of inspiration. Bette took on the name Hawkfire and combined her martial skills with a pyrotechnic arsenal.
In gameplay terms, Hawkfire is very fast. She has significant movement, which, combined with her flight trait, allows her to go wherever she wishes. Her flame skill makes the terrain dangerous for her victims.
This character can be used as an additional Hero choice for certain missions in the Wayne Manor expansion. She is playable in Versus mode (the Versus expansion is required to play this tactical 2-player confrontational mode). Her power allows her to move while placing flame tokens.