Batman™: Gotham City Chronicles – Deacon Blackfire

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Deacon Blackfire is a preacher with extreme charisma. This evangelist gathers the poor of Gotham City around him. They serve and protect the deacon. He can manipulate minds, breaking them to bring them under his control. His power should not be underestimated, as even Batman nearly became his puppet. How long has he been exercising this power? No one knows, as he claims to be immortal.

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Deacon Blackfire is a preacher with extreme charisma. This evangelist gathers the poor of Gotham City around him. They serve and protect the deacon. He can manipulate minds, breaking them to bring them under his control. His power should not be underestimated, as even Batman nearly became his puppet. How long has he been exercising this power? No one knows, as he claims to be immortal.
In gameplay terms, Deacon Blackfire has two tiles. One represents him, and the other represents his followers. Is this character immortal? One might believe so, given his high health points and strong regeneration value. Additionally, he is difficult to injure thanks to his protection skill. His manipulative side is highlighted by his tactician skill, which allows him to direct his followers as he sees fit. Finally, he can hinder his opponents’ actions with the bad luck he brings them.
This character can be used in place of the Villain for certain missions in the base box.
This character is playable in Versus mode (the Versus expansion is required to play this tactical 2-player confrontation mode).
His power allows him to replace his event tile with that of his followers. These followers can attack in close combat and perform manipulation actions, sacrificing themselves for the glory of the deacon