Batman™: Gotham City Chronicles – All Board Game Stretch Goal Miniatures Season 3

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All the miniatures unlocked as stretch goals during the Kickstarter campaign for Season 3 of Batman Gotham City Chronicles are finally gathered in one box.

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SKU: BAT45 Category: Tag:


All the miniatures unlocked as stretch goals during the Kickstarter campaign for Season 3 of Batman Gotham City Chronicles are finally gathered in one box.
This way, you will receive 8 beautiful detailed miniatures: Batman (Azrael) and Ace for the hero, and The Drowned, Calendar Man, and the Robin minions accompanying The Batman Who Laughs for the villain.
Each miniature comes with its sheet (for heroes), its tile, its Versus power card, and its health point token. A little bonus to decide fate: the famous coin of Two-Face, which will be your fate-maker.