Batman™: Gotham City Chronicles – Anarky

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Lonnie Machin is the supervillain Anarky. He is a political activist who hates corruption at all levels and wants to help purge Gotham City of its malfeasance. However, this idealist does not use the right methods and frequently resorts to wanton destruction.

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Lonnie Machin is the supervillain Anarky. He is a political activist who hates corruption at all levels and wants to help purge Gotham City of its malfeasance. However, this idealist does not use the right methods and frequently resorts to wanton destruction.
In gameplay terms, Anarky has classic characteristics. His strength comes from his skills, which allow him to hinder his opponents. Furthermore, he is not easily intimidated or penalized during manipulation or reflection actions. Finally, his tactical side enables him to manage his allies to place them as he sees fit, like an urban guerrilla.
This character is playable in Versus mode (the Versus expansion is required to play this tactical 2-player confrontation mode).
His power allows him to immediately replay a second turn during the game once per game, recovering fewer energy cubes.